Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finding my Inner Peace...In a Starbucks

Ahhhh...after my week (still not completed) of epic proportions that even Odysseus would pity me, I find myself at the Starbucks, searching for my Nirvana.  I've found it, tucked away near the bar with an iced grande no classic green tea and the glorious invention known as the Starbucks Digital Network. 

I am at peace, babies. 

It is quite surprising to see so many people with laptops hanging out at Starbucks nowadays.  I understand the company's idea - and our dire need - to create a "third space," which is that middle ground between home and work.  In my case, Starbucks has always been my "fourth space" - that middle ground between home, work, and school.  And it has served me well over the years.

I needed it in college when I had finals and issues with my friends.  I needed it during my "9-5" fiasco I called a job to keep me from bursting into tears around the 3pm slump.  And I need it now as I embark on this transitional period where I feel more like the protagonist from The Stranger and less like the whimsical, always optimistic Don Quixote. 

Does Starbucks make me smarter?  Or does it have the same effect as a drunk acting maudlin in their favorite pub?  The world may never know.

My brief absence has been punctuated by moments of no time to myself.   I'm getting worried, as I'm not sure where I take any of my goals, since they are all in some half-baked stage that never made it to fruition. In addition, I'm the only one who seems to care if they make it past that half-baked stage.  I suppose the next step is to walk blindly toward one of the paths ahead of me and hope it is the right choice.  Is that what I'm supposed to do?

I just realized I'm typing my thoughts on a laptop in a Starbucks.  Good Lord, I've become THAT guy.  Most distressing.  I keep thinking of that Family Guy scene with the "screenwriters."  Good Lord, I'm referencing Family Guy.  I am becoming a maudlin drunk.

So I raise my iced grande no classic green tea to you, babies.  May our summer be productive and our fall show the harvest we've worked toward.  I wish you luck on your journey during these sun-kissed (and rainy) days that lie ahead of us. 

Because I care for this cause so much, I will sign off NOW and then write a few entries so I can post everyday.  Or at least every other day.  This random posting is getting on my nerves.

Until then, I am continually yours. 

(Postscript:  I just ran the spellcheck and I've spelled eveything correctly.  Starbucks DOES make me smarter).

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