Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Curiouser and curiouser! Part 1

Welcome to the first post of Kora & Penelope's official blog! I happily extend my positive thoughts and energies to my readers (all four of you at this moment...okay, I'm lying. Just me at this moment). Since the Etsy store is very close to completion, I thought it was time to FINALLY get this crazy blog underway!

First, some background: I've had some histories with blogs. In fact, many a history. My very first blog was for a journalism class back in college. It was part of my entertainment writing beat, and I loved the idea of communicating with random people in this crazy world known as cyberspace. Granted, that was the early 2000's and I'm officially showing my age (ahem..26...). Fast forward to my claim to fame: The Book of Loser, Volume 2. Not to be confused with Volume 1, which was an old notebook filled with quotes from my roommates. The Book of Loser, Volume 2 was an instant hit. It was my moment to take this newfound technology and make memories. I wrote about my day, my roommates' days, the school, our homework, our weekends...if it happened, I blogged it. To this day, I still visit The Book of Loser to revisit the stories and legends of my happy college youth. Albeit, I'm not as nostalgic as Woody Allen would be if he wrote a blog, but it is nice to laugh at something I may have forgotten about all of these years.

And then I went blogless. Don't get me wrong; I tried - oh, how I tried! But every attempt turned into this

At first I couldn't figure it out. What was I missing? After many months of curious thought, it hit me:


I was missing the flavor! The zest! The excitement! Like any writer, THE REASON FOR WRITING! All writing is within the artist's scope - and here I was forcing the scope to give me something, anything! As my young 20-something, college narcissism faded, I realized I didn't WANT to write about myself anymore. I wanted more. With my new shop at Etsy debuting, I wanted to go back to my roots. I have always loved making jewelry in college - most of the time it was the creative aspect or the job well done and not the money that kept me at it - and I wanted that joy back. Almost immediately, a blog was born! (I also heard that if you update your Facebook profile, an angel gets its wings).

As for my blog - I humbly ask for forgiveness from this loooong absence. I'm a bit rusty, but we'll make it work. Until that time appears, come along the Failboat. We have sandwiches.

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