Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why I will continue to delete and retype entries (The Dream Series Part 2)

Hello, dear readers, it has been awhile.  So what happened?  I was all pumped up and ready to share my thought process to the world...but then, I began to editorialize.  For some reason, the last post had been angry and frustrated.  All of my fears and negativity came bellowing out, and what I was left with was a post I was less than proud of writing.  That is not what I want to accomplish here, so *delete button*

But now that Starbucks has celebrated its 40th anniversary, and I'm almost ready to launch my own store, I'm still considering the American Dream.  What does it mean, o pioneers?  Job security?  Doing what you love?  Contributing to your environment? 

Or is it all of the above? 

I'm extremely fortunate in the fact that I have accomplished much and (thanks to my mother) have very strong ambitions.  Of course, I'm also blessed with many responsibilities - family, work, friends, and a special needs kitty - that take up most of my time.  So where do I come in?  Where do my dreams begin to take flight?  I used to think it was selfish to pursue what you wanted.  In order to do so, you have to devote so much of your personal time to something that will only benefit you.  But now I understand that was my naive worldview doing the talking.  It isn't selfish.  The happier you are, the more you can do for those around you.  You cannot make a difference if you are unhappy with your lot.  Think of that Gandhi quote we always hear:  "Be the change you want to see in the world."  It may be a cliche saying, but does it make the cliche any less true?  Or is it overused for a reason? 

Well, come midnight tonight, we shall see.  I'm happiest when creating, and I'm a better person when I create things with other people in mind.  It's my turn to try for American expansion like so many other pioneers before me.  Isn't that the point?  To believe in the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" and to work hard in order to profit?  That's the American Dream we're taught at a young age, and it's the only one I know.

As I prepare for the launch tonight, I wish you good luck on your search for the new frontier, fellow pioneer.  I'll see you on the other side. 

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